Emergency Information

Dial 9-1-1

In the event of an emergency that requires immediate assistance from the police, sheriff, the fire department or ambulance, please use your phone and dial 9-1-1. The Anderson County Emergency Communication Center will assist you.

Anderson County Emergency Communication Center, in conjunction with Kansas 911 Coordinating Council, are please to announce the availability of Text-To-911 during an emergency.Text-to-911.

In the event of a storm...

The Anderson County Emergency Management, in coordination with the Garnett Fire Department, has released the following storm shelter location information: In the event of a weather warning, the following locations have been established for the public to seek shelter.

Other Emergency Assistance Resources

Eckan Anderson County Community Center 132 E. 5th Avenue, Garnett  785.448.3670

"My Utilities Are Off! Who Do I Call?"

If you are a City of Garnett utility customer and you experience an interruption of electrical power, or other utility issue (water, gas, sewer, etc.), we ask that you, please, DO NOT call 9-1-1.  During regular working hours, please call Garnett City Hall, (785) 448-5496. If before 8 a.m. or after 5 p.m. on weekdays, or anytime on weekends or holidays, please call the Anderson County Law Enforcement Disptach Office, (785) 448-5428. They will either have knowledge of the outage or they will dispatch utility personnel to take the appropriate action to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Again, please note these telephone numbers so that you have them if you need to call for utility assistance.

 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Weekdays

(785) 448-5496

City Hall

5 p.m. - 8 a.m. Weekdays

(785) 448-5428


Weekends and Holidays

(785) 448-5428


CodeRed Emergency Notification

Why sign-up for CodeRed? This system identifies persons who have signed up for the service who are in the path of a tornado, severe thunderstorm or flooding.  The system uses National Weather Service electronic alerts and delivers warnings to you by telephone. Additionally, evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices and missing child reports can also be received through this system.  

Be informed. Sign-up for CodeRed today.

Storm Shelter Information